In Japan November is a special lucky month because of the number 11 that can be pronounced as いい meaning “good”. Using this as an anchor point, companies and individuals use wordplay on numbers to turn almost every day of November into a lucky day. We’re already a bit into November but we’ll start the list from the top.

November 1: Good posture day いい姿勢の日 (ii shisei no hi)
Don’t get caught slouching! This lucky November day in Japan brings awareness for keeping good posture at work to prevent lower back pain.
November 3: Good leather day いいレザーの日 (ii rezaa no hi)
On this lucky November day, you may catch many people looking extra cool. That’s becasue leather industry of Japan appreciates good leather on this day and even has a “best look in leather” award.
November 5: Good relationship day/ good man day/ いいご縁 (ii goen) / いい男の日 (ii otoko no hi)
If you’re looking for a spouse, this is the day to visit a shrine. If you’re a man, this is the day to take care of your health.
November 7: Good woman day いい女の日 (ii onna no hi)
Appreciating women’s beauty is a tradition on this lucky November day in Japan. Many salons give discounts for beauty treatments, so keep those gorgeous eyes open for some great deals!
November 8: Good bag day いいバッグの日 (ii baggu no hi)
For the fashion-minded, this lucky November day is to appreciate the purse/backpack/bag as a fashion accessory.
November 9: Good shoe day いい靴の日 (ii kutsu no hi)
This Japanese lucky November day should put some pep in your step! It’s a day of awareness for wearing proper shoes to keep your feet healthy.
November 10: Good friend day いい友の日 (ii jyuu no hi)
Originally, this lucky November day was the name of a radio program. Show your friend some appreciation on this day.
November 11: Good meeting day いい出会いの日 (ii deai no hi)
The person you meet on this day might become your spouse next year on 11/22! Do your best to make a great first impression whenever you greet someone new.
November 13: Good knee day いいひざの日 (ii hiza no hi)
On knee problem awareness day, checkups are encouraged. Don’t forget to give those knees a good rest too!
November 14: Good stone day いい石の日 (ii ishi no hi)
On this lucky November day, geology really rocks! It’s a good day to do anything with stones, such as building a rock garden or honoring someone’s gravestone.
November 16: Good color day いい色の日 (ii iro no hi)
Brighten up your surroundings with a splash of color on this lucky November day in Japan! This is a day dedicated to the effect of various hues, focusing on “making a space beautiful and functional with colors”.
November 18: Good home day いい家の日 (ii uchi no hi)
Future homeowners have a lot of big decisions to make before November 18! If you’ve been planning a move, this lucky November day in Japan is a good day to buy your own home.
November 19: Good breath day いい息の日 (ii iki no hi)
This lucky November day is a good reminder to take a moment to relax and take a deep breath, and to also remember to keep that breath fresh! Take good care of your breath today with some mints or gum.
November 20: Pizza day ピザの日(piza no hi)
Here’s one more excuse to break your diet and indulge in some pizza! Because the pizza margherita was invented on this day, celebrate with a slice, or two…or three. It’s Pizza Day, after all. It would be wrong if we didn’t, right?
November 22: Good spouse day いい夫婦の日 (ii fuufu no hi)
Show some extra appreciation for your significant other on this lucky day. Ideally, we should all be doing this every day, but it’s a fun excuse for couples to do something a little bit special for each other to show how much they care.
November 26: Good team day いいチームの日 (ii chiimu no hi)
You can’t handle everything alone! Sometimes we need a little bit of help. Take this lucky November day to remind yourself and others about the importance of teamwork. We can do it!
November 29: Good meat day いい肉の (ii niku no hi)
This lucky November day encourages you to enjoy some good quality meat, so fire up the grill or visit one of your favorite yakiniku restaurants!

As you can see, Japan finds a reason to celebrate almost everything. Every day has even more “lucky meanings” than the ones listed here. In fact, every year people come up with new ways to celebrate. Some are more popular than others and people share the days on Twitter or Instagram. Will you be celebrating all these lucky days?
Source: Japan Anniversary Association
Original article published: February 13, 2018

Ilse Montald
From popular culture to traditional culture, I’ve immersed myself in both. I love writing about tradition, history and sharing fun discoveries. If I’m not outside watching a festival parade I’m leisurely reading manga in kimono.
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